Week 7
“The interaction between art and science offers an opportunity to make the scientific community and the public aware of the social and ethical implications of the scientific advances in neuroscience” (Frazetto). This quote from Neuroculture by Giovanni Freazetto and Suzanne Anker summarizes the topic for this week as well as focuses on science’s impact on society. I believe the societal implications that science and technology bring about are at the forefront of conversation in modern humanity and more respectively 1st world countries. With each advancement we become more and more reliant on that technology to get through our everyday lives. Even though we do not realize it as we are going about our lives we are being controlled by societal norms, technological advancements and what the next person is doing. This unknowing is apart of our unconscious realm of our brain that has been studied heavily by Freud and Young. Although they differed in aspects of the field of study they garnered some valuable information about dreamstates and how our unconscious influences our conscious. 
Due to our understanding of the conscious and the unconscious we are able to use technologies such as virtual reality for neuroeducation as well as cognitive therapy. Ironically, although our minds may have become more and more succumbed to technology, we are also the benefactors of such technologies in our mental health care.
Something I found especially interesting this week was the research done by UCLA on the effects meditating has on the brain. By using an MRI machine they were able to compare brains of people who meditate and those who do not and compare. They found larger volumes of the hippocampus as well as other areas known for regulations emotions. This extensive brain insight helps us better understand society and the people around us.
Works Cited
Anker, Suzanne. "Neuroculture." Nature Reviews Neuroscience. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2017.
"Apple's ISlave Uprising." TheTelecomBlogcom Apples ISlave Uprising Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2017.
Ellis, Marie. "Can Meditating Reduce Blood Pressure?" Medical News Today. MediLexicon International, 04 Dec. 2015. Web. 22 May 2017.
Wheeler, Mark. "How to Build a Bigger Brain." UCLA Newsroom. N.p., 12 May 2009. Web. 22 May 2017.
18/02/2013 · by Tonyb · in Insomnia, Sleep, Sleep Health, Uncategorized. "Curing Insomnia Long Term Depends Heavily on the Unconscious Mind." Sleepora Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2017.
I love the psychological viewpoint you took on this week's topic - definitely went a different route than I think most people would've thought to go in analyzing the relationship that our brains have with science and technology. I like how you brought up that we, the creators of technology, have become so dependent on it.