Event 2
I attended the Brainstorm Session 1 on Friday, May 5th. Going into it I had no idea what to expect because not much information on the topic was given. I ended up really enjoying the event and how interactive and innovative it was. I had never heard of anything like brain communication before and definitely was skeptical when the idea was introduced. I believed in telepathy to a certain extent but wasn’t aware the science behind it. However, I wasn’t aware we actually produced brainwaves and that they are key to the health of an individual. 
The term “we’re both on the same page” is relevant to this presentation. Scientifically it means that you are quite literally on the same brain wavelength. Pictured here to the left is two other students from the event that were not on the same wavelength due to their different presented colors. Music and color also affect the brain wavelengths of the participants and is linked to why people feel so connected at such events like raves.
I also appreciated that you were given information about the topic prior to the experiment so I was more aware of the science behind what I was witnessing. This event directly relates with the topic this week of biotechnology in art. The experiment is taking something science based having to do with how our brains function and combining it with the brain's response to music and color which is art related. I recommend this event for anyone who wants to actively learn and enjoys more of the science aspect of this class.
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