
Final Review Session: Study Guide

Study Guide June 2nd- Compile all blogs June 3rd- Summary of Blog Assignment completed June 4th- Decide the topic of paper. What I’m interested in that will make my paper fun to read and relate to class material. June 5th- Outline- How do I want to break up my writing and pictures and what are the main points I want to touch on. June 6th- Intro/ Thesis June 7th- First 500 words June 8th- 500-1000 words June 9th- 1000-1050 words June 10th- Edit- Make sure everything supports the thesis and is relevant to the class June 11th- Edit and turn in

Week 9

This week, as Professor Vesna explained, pulled everything together we’ve learned so far in this course. Space deals with a little bit of each topic as it is so vast and all encompassing. Space has always been something very interesting to me as there is so much unknown that is to be discovered. Space technology is something that is relatively recent in the history of the human people and extremely influential as to your place in the world. In the history of the United States and space technology the Cold War was the turning point. The Cold War forced us and the Soviet Union to develop quicker and more efficiently and in turn affected the worldview of space technology and what is really possible. A few notable people along the way made major contributions to space technology that changed its course. Giovanni Demisiani coined the word telescope and  Galileo Galilei is often the man given credit for this invention. The telescope revolutionized space technology as we simply could...

Event 3

The Claudia Schnuggs pop-up lecture’s main idea was the crossover of art into the science realm and how artists can influence science. Schnuggs’s way of presenting this topic was going through several artists that took their talents and thought of a way it could be used in science. Why collaboration? Schnuggs says it is to access new knowledge and perspective and possibly dive into new realms that have never been thought of before. If you are stuck in either of these realms you may fail to see how one benefits the other and how you could improve your ideas and create them on a wider reaching scale. One of the ideas she presented that stood out to me is the Agent Unicorn. Anouk Wipprecht developed this idea that is a headpiece for kids with ADHD. It is a headpiece that starts recording when the child begins to focus hard and uses electrodes to sense this. This is the type of crossover that can affect and help so many people. Not only does it help with the child’s medical issue the de...

Week 8

This week’s material on Nanotechnology and Art was very interesting to me because it dealt a great deal with the future and how nanotechnology could help us. It seems as though nanotechnology is something we haven’t even begun to touch the surface of and that is exciting in this day in age where we are so advanced as a society. Not only can this technology benefit our well being by purifying the planet such as with nanobubbles but it has the potential to create many jobs and change our societal perspective on how we go about our everyday practices. In the lecture this week with Dr. Gimzewski something that stood out to me was the slide consisting of how nanotechnology changes what a substance appears as or even how it reacts. For example a stable material on a normal scale can become combustible on a nano scale and an opaque material on a normal scale becomes transparent on a nano scale. This property of nanotechnology is promising for the future that we can actually manipulate sub...

Week 7

“The interaction between art and science offers an opportunity to make the scientific community and the public aware of the social and ethical implications of the scientific advances in neuroscience” (Frazetto). This quote from Neuroculture by Giovanni Freazetto and Suzanne Anker summarizes the topic for this week as well as focuses on science’s impact on society. I believe the societal implications that science and technology bring about are at the forefront of conversation in modern humanity and more respectively 1st world countries. With each advancement we become more and more reliant on that technology to get through our everyday lives. Even though we do not realize it as we are going about our lives we are being controlled by societal norms, technological advancements and what the next person is doing. This unknowing is apart of our unconscious realm of our brain that has been studied heavily by Freud and Young. Although they differed in aspects of the field of study they garner...

Event 2

I attended the Brainstorm Session 1 on Friday, May 5th. Going into it I had no idea what to expect because not much information on the topic was given. I ended up really enjoying  the event and how interactive and innovative it was. I had never heard of anything like brain communication before and definitely was skeptical when the idea was introduced. I believed in telepathy to a certain extent but wasn’t aware the science behind it. However, I wasn’t aware we actually produced brainwaves and that they are key to the health of an individual. The term “we’re both on the same page” is relevant to this presentation. Scientifically it means that you are quite literally on the same brain wavelength. Pictured here to the left is two other students from the event that were not on the same wavelength due to their different presented colors. Music and color also affect the brain wavelengths of the participants and is linked to why people feel so connected at such events like raves. I...

Week 6

Going into this week I did not know what to expect with the topic of Biotechnology as I was not familiar with what exactly it entailed. The use of biotechnology in art is something I never acknowledged as belonging in the art realm as well as its relation to the food industry through its uses of biotechnology. A topic that further intrigued me was the the question of whether or not artists have the same right as scientists to use biotechnology and should the limitations be more or less strict? Often times we view science as more righteous to deal with transgenics among other manipulations of living systems than art, however artists such as Joe Davis, Edwardo Cats, and Kathy High among others proved the relevance of biotechnology in art and discoveries beyond everyday science practices.  The Suspect Inversion Center founded by Paul Vanouse does a great job of combining art and relevant science technologies to recreate the DNA samples involved with historical court cases such a...